onsdag 20. november 2013

Oh, you plenty competent. So why aren’t you confident

I'm really not supposed to be here, and I'm going to hate myself for it later on when I'm stressed and trying to pack at midnight. My paper looks okay, but I've still got a lot of work to do. I'm going to bring a bit of work to Ale, so I might get something done. I've been at school from about 8:15 am-7:30 pm today, so when I got home, I was starving-- or well, wasn't starving, but my blood sugar was so low. Sometimes it feels like I'm just about to drop from exhaustion, and that's how I felt at the train home tonight. About yesterday-- it was magical. I think that's the word we've been using. Not only were there two "celebrities" in the crowd last night-- it appears that our dearest crown prince of Norway was also in the attendance. But that's not so important. The important bit is that Volcano Choir was amazing for so many reasons. They're good live, they're good with the crowd and shows gratitude towards the crowd. Also, their passion for the music is so apparent. It's like they're vibrating with excitement and the need to get their message across the crowd. Although I didn't exactly bop my head along to their music whilst listening to Repave for the past few weeks, I was strangely really into the music last night. I was just completely mesmerised. I would love to do it all over again, and now I'm just so much more exited for Kodaline in two weeks. 

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