onsdag 18. januar 2017

you stick around and I just don't know why

Dreams have been weird lately. I dreamt about burning to death a few weeks ago-- screaming at the pain of my skin slowly burning. I had to check the window when I awoke, just in case it was burning. Yesterday I dreamt of a person close to me drowning in a stupid accident caused by idiots. We tried our best at reviving her, and at a point it seemed like she was halfway alive, halfway dead. Morbid, I know. I tend to define the day by the light, which makes the days quite short nowadays. And I need to get things done before the light is gone, because then it feels like such an effort. I had planned today's itinerary to the t, however plans change. My dad drove me to get rid of more bags of clothing, then we headed to the grocery store. Out with the old, and in with the new. I mentioned a new jacket the other day-- it arrived today. It's darker than what it appears like in my pictures, and it's got a raw peplum hem. It's oversized on me, only comes in two sizes I think. I'd rather it be oversized, than tiny. It says it's a shirt, and the material is thin. I will be wearing it as a jacket though. Did I mention it's vintage? I think it's supercool, probably the coolest piece I own in my wardrobe. It's satisfying to be really happy with a purchase. The newest episode of Teen Wolf is yet again one of those I don't really enjoy, but I'm patient. I'm guessing it's one of those episodes that has to happen for the story to evolve. I'm looking forward to the next episode though, because things got exciting at the end. But then again, this first story-arch is done in two episodes, which is frightening. Because then we have to wait however many months until part two. I hadn't exercised in two weeks until today. I did a long session today, and I spent some time on my abs. I've not focused on them in months, they've been in hibernation. Apart from "being nicer to myself," I didn't set any New Years resolutions. I do, however want to be better at exercising regularly. I'd like the same dedication to eating chocolate only on Saturdays to this goal too. We'll see. I thought I was done with getting shots (vaccinations), but I'm getting another one next week. I also need to book an appointment with my doctor. It's all a part of another focus this year: my health. I tend to neglect it.  

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