fredag 8. mars 2013

I spy with my little eye, to fall is connected to try

Hiya. I've been a bloody bad blogger (alliteration, anyone?) the past week. Truth is I've been really lazy, just lying in my bed. But you are all in for a treat now, because this will probably be long. But wee, I'm done at the nursing home, which means no longer having to wake up at 05:30 am (oh god, I've just jinxed myself, haven't I?). I was trying to tell one of the employees (at the nursing home) that I felt bittersweet about leaving the nursing home. And well, I didn't know if I could use that expression in Norwegian. So I kind of stopped mid-sentence and looked over at J.D. "Uhm, can I also say bittersweet in Norwegian?". And he's like what the fuck? And instead of talking about our last day, it turned into a discussion about grammar and expressions and whatnot. Anyway, it was - is bittersweet. I drew this card for the patient I took care of. Well, I can hardly take any of the credit of this drawing, seeing as I asked my sister to do the shadowing. I just drew the black lines, really. And she filled the black lines with what was missing (I feel like this could be a start of a poem. Or actually, it's a metaphor for soul mates). When I gave it to my patient she nearly started crying. Well actually, she might have shed a tear or two. Thing is, I know she's very fond of dogs. I remember things like that. I think she really appreciates it. I guess I would too, if I was an older lady and having someone that listened to what I said. I quite like older people. I do enjoy listening to what they have to say, because some might have these wonderful stories waiting to be told. I could honestly have become best friends with one of the patients at the nursing home, whom I often have - had banter with. We'd have these sarcastic conversations, and I'd ask him where he was going every time I saw him. And he'd answer something like "I'm running away from these old hags". A few days ago I just laughed and told him to "wait for me, and I'll come with you". And he smiled and said "okay", before he went inside the elevator. When I was going home that day, he was sitting just by the door where I was headed. And I stopped and asked "are you coming then?". He was looking all confused. And I said "you know - weren't we supposed to run away together?". Recognition dawned on his face and he laugh and say "I'm coming," still seated in the chair. I- just, I'm a little sad, but also very happy.

The get together we (the students) had yesterday, was incredibly nice. We came straight from the nursing home, and just had a bit of a snack and a cuppa before we headed to the store. And wow, I think I maybe stayed inside the kitchen cooking for two hours without leaving it. In total, I probably spent three hours cooking along with some students. That's included loo breaks. Thing is - I actually suck at cooking. But there I was cutting up a whole chicken for the first time in my life, and making way to advanced things for my competence. And I tried saying this to the other students. But they brushed me off and insisted that I was a good cook. And the food was amazing. Like, I had to have few breaks from eating, because I was so stuffed. But I wanted more. We spent the evening talking about completely random things, playing cards and watching things on Youtube. And you know, digging in on food and dessert afterwards (ice cream, yay). We were so loud, I felt sorry for the neighbors. In the end my mum called me at 00:38 am, and asked me if I wasn't going to come home. Thing is, when I told her the day before - I just said: "mum, I'm not coming home until late tomorrow". And she just nodded, which is a bit weird, because she usually asks me where I'm going. Anyway, she called, and I said I'd be home at 1:00 am, or something around that time. So I told the others that I had to leave pretty soon. And then everyone said "yeah, I've got to get going too". I was planning on taking the bus, because I always do. They refused me and claimed that I'd get kidnapped and raped. So obviously they had to drive me home. I did insist that I could take the bloody damn bus, and that I could take care of myself. But seeing as I've been placed as the baby in our group, there was no way I'd be taking the bus. Well - maybe if I'd just run out of there, but I think it would leave a bad vibe at the ending of a terrific evening. Thing is, one of the students forgot or lost her wallet. So she headed upstairs again, whilst four of us stood outside the apartment building. And I was just looking up, yeah? And I saw this thing in one of the windows that looked a bit like a plant. But then it moved, and I realised it was a human being that probably had been staring right back at me. That was just really creepy, and as my co-students are soooo nice, they managed to spook me. And I did yes, grab a hold of this other student. And of course they all started laughing at me, and trying to spook me furthermore. It's all so weird, because I'm not used to be the baby. And I'm not that easily spooked, but that person in the window just really gave me the shivers. When the student finally found her wallet, we finally got to the parking garage and said our goodbyes. And whilst driving me home, J.D. turned up the radio when I Spy by Mikhael Paskalev came on. And we nodded along to the song, and he even sang with. And I just had to laugh, because it had been such a great night with the students, and then it ended with this lovely song. So, now I'm listening to it (I've listened to it 25 times whilst writing this blogpost), and it will probably forever be etched into my mind as a reminder of last night and the students.

(Are you getting tired now, because wow this is long. What is this like my diary?? Oh wait, yes it is). I didn't fall asleep until 2:00 am yesterday. And stupid body, which has gotten used to waking up early, was awoken at 6:40 am. And I was like "whaaat? I'm free as a bird now, and I'm supposed to be asleep and never leaving my bed". But I was wide awake (and now it's clear to me that everything you see ain't always what it seems. Sorry, had to. I actually quite love Katy Perry). And the sun was - is streaming inside my window. Oh well, a good thing is coming from this, I've got more time to finish the last bits of school work that will truly make me a "free bird". And then tonight I'm going to my belieber friend (do you like your nickname? haha) along with other pals, and we're going to have a "belieber evening". Yeah, we are going to watch Never Say Never (I think it's called that?? I don't entirely remember). I have seen it before. 'S just a long time since I did. I'm very much looking forward to his - not just because of Justin Bieber (imagine me saying this in somewhat French; Cshuustìn Biebeèrr), but because friends. Yes, I'm definitely a somewhat sentimental person. I had all the students sit together and pose for a picture yesterday, because I said I wanted to capture a memory. They all awwww-ed, before one joked about something and the whole thing was laughed off. None of us are really good at being sentimental really. It'll be good starting back at school (did I just write that?) and do something else than caring for older people. As much as it was fun, it was also very tiresome. And when you do the same thing over and over again, you are bound to get tired of it. I really dislike routines for that reason. But I'm not looking forward to my exam in May. Nope. I'd much rather be off. Ooh, Warm Bodies is premiering at Monday (J.D. reminded me yesterday and did an impressive impression of Hoult). And I really want to go see it, but I've got no money. So if you need a date to watch Warm Bodies, I'm free. Just give me a shout, yeah? Alright, I've listened I Spy 30 times now. So I think it's time to quit writing. Have a wondrous Friday. And life, I guess.

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